Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Meeting the Chronic Absenteeism Challenge – What Do We Know?
Off to a Strong Start: The GRAD Partnership Year 1 Results
Year one of the GRAD Partnership’s implementation of student success systems, the next generation of early warning/on-track systems, occurred in the year following what many teachers and school leaders called the most challenging year of their career. Data from the first cohort of the GRAD Partnership schools indicates that student success systems were up to the challenge: Schools working with the GRAD Partnership to implement student success systems saw fewer course failures and reductions in chronic absenteeism. Read the research brief to learn more about the real, tangible, and meaningful ways student success system implementation benefitted students across the…
Why is School Connectedness So Important?
This short post from 2018 summarizes what the authors found in their systematic research review on school connectedness, which aimed to define school connectedness and identify the relationship of four factors (attending, belonging, engaging, and flow) to connectedness. The blog post clearly lays out what looks connectedness looks like, and offers guidance for schools to encourage it, and the literature review takes a deeper, more theoretical approach towards the development of a model of school connectedness.
Structures for Belonging: A Synthesis of Research on Belonging-Supportive Learning Environments (SERN)
Research Brief: Student Success Systems Show Positive Results
January, 2024 Recent randomized controlled trials— the gold standard for determining the causal impact of educational interventions— have shown that student success systems generate positive results for students, schools, districts, and communities. Read our new brief to learn more about the benefits of high-quality student success systems.
A Pathway to Change: Building Student Success Systems to Support Students with Disabilities
Centering School Connectedness
Building a Grad Nation: Progress and Challenge in Raising High School Graduation Rates
The final (June 2023) report to the nation on a 20-year effort to boost high school graduation rates shows graduation rates rising from 71 percent in 2001 to 86.5 percent by the Class of 2020, translating into 5 million more students graduating, rather than dropping out, during that period. Despite the great progress made over the course of the 20-year effort culminating in the GradNation Campaign, equity gaps persist, and the COVID-19 pandemic had significant impacts on student learning and health. The report calls for, among other policy recommendations, expanding the use of Student Success Systems. Read more on…